Its Too Late To Fall in Love With Sharon Tate. Acrylic on Canvas. 100x150 cm. PE: Ann-Magrith Kordahl.


This Is My Life, acrylic on canvas, 100x150 cm. PE: Astrid Sølvberg.

Acryl on Canvas. size 81x65. PE: Anne Grut Sørum.

Acryl on Canvas. size 81x65. PE: Anne Grut Sørum.

But The little Girls Understand. Acryl on Canvas. size 65x80. PE: Therese Myran/Karl Johan Kopreitan. 

But The little Girls Understand. Acryl on Canvas. size 65x80. PE: Therese Myran/Karl Johan Kopreitan.


Its Too Late To Fall In Love With Sharon Tate. Acrylic/Photo. 120x100 cm. PE: Sidsel Børmark, Oslo.


Its Too Late To Fall In Love With Sharon Tate II. Acrylic/Photo. 120x100 cm. 

Its Too Late To Fall In Love With Sharon Tate II. Acrylic/Photo. 120x100 cm.